@ TAIT, 401 W Lincoln Ave. Lititz, PASaturday, September 27th3pm - 6pm
Lititz Craft Beer Fest 2024 will be held outdoors at TAIT.
401 W Lincoln Ave
Lititz, PA 17543
Parking and Accessibility
Parking will be made available during the event along West Lincoln Avenue (between N. Broad Street and Arrowhead Drive) and at the Grace Church (located just north of the event property).

Drop-off and Pick-up Locations
A curbside drop-off area will be established just east of the accessible parking spaces near TAIT’s main entrance. For your safety, please remain on the sidewalk while walking to the entrance gate. We are encouraging the use of Grace Church’s covered portico as a rendezvous point for those who plan to be picked-up or who are waiting for an Uber/Lyft following the event. Using this location is safer than waiting along the side of W. Lincoln Avenue and will help to minimize congestion at the festival entrance.
Accessible (ADA) Parking
Accessible parking spaces will be reserved along the shoulder of West Lincoln Avenue near TAIT’s main entrance for those who have ADA placards or plates.
West Lincoln Avenue Street Parking
The LBPD will be suspending the restrictions for on-street parking along West Lincoln Avenue between N. Broad Street and Arrowhead Drive during the event. However, you’ll likely be towed (at your expense) if you block a fire hydrant, driveway, or business access or park anywhere along a painted curb. Parking restrictions will remain in effect in these locations, and NO OVERNIGHT PARKING will be permitted. Parking violations will be enforced at the expense of the vehicle owner.
Grace Church Parking
The parking lots at Grace Church (located just west of TAIT at 501 W Lincoln Ave) will be available during the event. Please enter using Grace Church’s southernnmost driveway off of West Lincoln Avenue. There will be no entry from Arrowhead Drive. An Entrance Gate will be set up in this location to get you checked-in and set-up with your wristband before you head over to the festival area at TAIT. Please stay on the sidewalk along West Lincoln Avenue as you walk to TAIT’s main entrance. NO OVERNIGHT PARKING will be permitted. Parking violations will be enforced at the expense of the vehicle owner.